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We need your help


We, the Haitian Astronomical Society, rely on the generosity of donors to help our Haitian communities understand basic astronomy and orient them to choose to stay in school for a better future, why not in astronomy?

 Young Haitians could better understand the physical world and better apprehend scientific methods to solve nature problems; We would like to help build a generation of scientific Haitians, without exclusion, dedicated to leading the way and building the future. Understanding where your money goes is vitally important. 

Each trimester, we send out a newsletter to update our stakeholders on our activities and give you a personal understanding of those you are helping. Sign up now via our blog for our paper or digital newsletter "En Avant pour l'Astronomie en Haiti"! (and other articles for astronomy diffusion as well) All donations over $20 are eligible for a Special page publishing on our official site, with donor permission, of course.



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