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Please use this HTML code on your website or blog

Please use this HTML code on your website or blog
If you own or manage a website or a blog, you may be able to help us reaching our goal in fund raising for our astronomy radio show.
Here is a HTML code you may integrate in your site:

<iframe width=260px height=525px src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen scrolling ="no"></iframe>

You may contact us to propose a banner exchange. We would be so proud to have your banner and link in our blog (exept if it is sex-oriented). for more info about the page this banner may send you, you can visit If you want to know about the project Astronomers Without Borders want to make the fund raising, go to . Or you may want to follow the rality of the radio show....Fortunately, it is reachable online live: Thank you for your help.


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La Lune