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Les Grandes Idées en Astronomie, 2e edition

 We are pleased to announce the release of version 2 of the Big Ideas in Astronomy project. This is a project looking to define what basic astronomy knowledge is covering historical, philosophical, sociological, theoretical and observational aspects of astronomy.

This release also includes translations. These have been done by volunteer translators, many of whom are NAECs. Thank you to all the NAECs who took part in these translations and those who are currently working on translations to other languages.

Les Grandes Idées en Astronomie

(Une définition proposée pour l‘Enseignement Fondamental en Astronomie)

Traducteurs: Dr Rulx Narcisse

Relecteur: M. Paya Charley, astronome amateur & professeur d‘anglais; Messieurs Schneider Munder et John Masken Larose, astronomes amateurs et étudiants en dernière année de géologie.

ISBN: 978-94-91760-25-9

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


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