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Conférence en ligne "Observation du ciel nocturne"


Conférence en ligne "Observation du ciel nocturne" ce vendredi 23 février 2024 a 6h PM. Astro-Club Limonade

Il s'agissait d'une rencontre organisée par le tout nouveau Astro-Club de Limonade, lancé dernierement grace aux soinx du co-NOC Haiti de l'UAI, agr William Gustave.

La rencontre fut tentée au jour et a l'heure dits. Il y eut des difficulté de connexion énormes. On a du changé de réseau, de Google Meet a WhatsApp, sans amélioration.
En dehors de quelques échanges vocales, ce ne fut pas un succes. Captain Astro a pu quand meme dire au groupe, avec l'aide de l'agr William, de préparer une autre rencontre pour le meme sujet.

Ce fut aussi l'occasion pour le club naissant de faire leur premier observation du ciel nocturne ensemble, a l'oeil nu. Voir les photos en dessous:

It was a meeting organized by the brand new Astro-Club of Lemonade, recently launched thanks to the care of the UAI co-NOC Haiti, agr William Gustave.
The meeting was attempted on the appointed day and time. There were enormous connection difficulties. We had to change networks, from Google Meet to WhatsApp, without improvement.
Apart from a few vocal exchanges, it was not a success. Captain Astro was still able to tell the group, with the help of Agr William, to prepare another meeting for the same subject.

It was also an opportunity for the fledgling club to make their first observation of the night sky together, with the naked eye. See photos below:

Membres de l'Astro-Club
Assistant a la conference en ligne, ils furent decus de la qualite de connexion Internet, mais ne sont pas demotives pour autant pour apprendre un peu plus sur l'astronomie. Ils se sont par la suite assembles en dehors de la bibliotheque pour une premiere immersion encadree au ciel nocturne pour une observation a l'ooeil nu. Notre co-NOC William Gustave etait l'encadreur principal.

Attending the online conference, they were disappointed with the quality of the Internet connection but were not demotivated to learn a little more about astronomy. They then assembled outside the library for a first immersion framed in the night sky for observation with the naked eye. Our co-NOC William Gustave was the main supervisor.

Rassembles sur la cours de la bibliotheque de Limonade pour organiser une seance d'observation du ciel nocturne.

Gathered on the courtyard of the Limonade library to organize a night sky observation session.

Online conference “Observation of the night sky” this Friday February 23, 2024 at 6 a.m. PM. Astro-Club Lemonade

It was a meeting organized by the brand new Lemonade Astro-Club, recently launched thanks to the care of the UAI co-NOC Haiti, agr William Gustave.
The meeting was attempted on the appointed day and time. There were enormous connection difficulties. We had to change networks, from Google Meet to WhatsApp, without improvement.
Apart from a few vocal exchanges, it was not a success. Captain Astro was still able to tell the group, with the help of Agr William, to prepare another meeting for the same subject.

It was also an opportunity for the fledgling club to make their first observation of the night sky together, with the naked eye. See photos below:

It was a meeting organized by the brand new Astro-Club of Lemonade, recently launched thanks to the care of the UAI co-NOC Haiti, agr William Gustave.
The meeting was attempted on the appointed day and time. There were enormous connection difficulties. We had to change networks, from Google Meet to WhatsApp, without improvement.
Apart from a few vocal exchanges, it was not a success. Captain Astro was still able to tell the group, with the help of Agr William, to prepare another meeting for the same subject.

It was also an opportunity for the fledgling club to make their first observation of the night sky together, with the naked eye. See photos below:

Members of the Astro-Club
Attending the online conference, they were disappointed with the quality of the Internet connection, but were not demotivated to learn a little more about astronomy. They then assembled outside the library for a first immersion framed in the night sky for observation with the naked eye. Our co-NOC William Gustave was the main supervisor.

Attending the online conference, they were disappointed with the quality of the Internet connection but were not demotivated to learn a little more about astronomy. They then assembled outside the library for a first immersion framed in the night sky for observation with the naked eye. Our co-NOC William Gustave was the main supervisor.

Gathered on the courtyard of the Limonade library to organize a night sky observation session.

Gathered on the courtyard of the Limonade library to organize a night sky observation session.


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