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ASTWONOMI LAKAY, an activity in perpetual adaptation.



It is a knowledge transmission activity set up by the Haitian Astronomical Society (SHA) since the end of 2019.

Originally, the aim was to give lectures in schools in the metropolitan area (Port-au-Prince). Unfortunately only one school was able to benefit from it: the Methodist School of Delmas. A school in Kenskoff had expressed an interest in this activity, but for lack of contact (... it's our fault) and for being outside the area of ​​this activity (Port-au-Prince vs Kenskoff ), we were unable to do an astronomical conference.

Suddenly came "LOCK COUNTRY" & COVID-19, two disasters almost at the same time ...

All activities ceased!

Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO), as part of its program with GLOBAL SKY PARTNERS, came to the rescue with its array of robotic telescopes. We had access to 0.4 meter telescopes in an educational setting.

ASTWONOMI LAKAY then adapted, instead of a conference in schools (closed because of the two aforementioned disasters), groups of young people should be encouraged to use LCO for research. The National School of Geology (ENGA), a Christian community, some members of our community of amateur astronomers and some persistent elementary schools were targeted. Apart from some exceptional texts received from rare members of our community, the robotic telescope was not used at all. Reasons given, understandable all the same: distribution of students in the provinces with no access to the Internet (economic problem and network coverage), socio-political demotivation ... (and also our fault).

“LOCK COUNTRIES” & COVID-19 ended this knowledge transmission activity again. A new adaptation was necessary.

The context of the moment has always directed us to the Internet, at least to those who can access it at home, in confinement because of COVID-19. ASTWONOMI LAKAY VODCASTING ... was conceived in this sense, an activity still maintaining the concept of transmission of knowledge, but oriented towards people at home, in Haitian Creole especially.

The Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) of the International Astronomical Union (UAI) gave its support for this project which started in April 2020 and should end in November 2020. However, the sustainability of activities is required within the framework of the objectives of the SHA. It is about broadcasting on a PLAYLIST of our Youtube channel of a series of videos made at home for people confined also at home, with often the family participation, particularly of Princesse Narcisse hurrying as "Kid Astro".

Some official links of ASTWONOMI LAKAY VODCASTING ...

Youtube channel of the Haitian Astronomical Society:



ASTWONOMI LAKAY VODCASTING ... approaching its official end (November 2020), LCO resurfaces. An extension of the program for using the 0.4 meter robotic telescope is proposed. It has been difficult and embarrassing to explain the successive failures mentioned above, particularly “LOCK COUNTRY”, which is actually worse than COVID-19, but we are staying the course with LCO.

The plan will be to invite groups with Internet capacity to integrate a new activity called “Haitian Messier Marathon”. It is a question of (re) making the famous catalog of this famous French astronomer Charles MESSIER. Potential candidates are in sight like the Club of Science and Technology of Mrs. Domany or specific students of ENGA (for the latter, the specificity would always be the possibility of access to the Internet, which still gives a bitter taste exclusion, but we are obliged, not to suffer the same failures mentioned above). Other institutions can still participate, within the limits of hours of observations granted by LCO.

In summary, ASTWONOMI LAKAY has benefited (or undergone) 5 successive rehabilitation to maintain (and achieve) its objectives:

1. ASTWONOMI LAKAY: conferences in schools (started & stopped suddenly)

2. Writing on Messier object (failure)

3. LCO: 0.4 meter robotic telescope research (started & stopped abruptly)

4. ASTWONOMI LAKAY VODCASTING ... (officially in progress until November 2020)

5. LCO extension: HaitianMessier Marathon. (planned for November 2020 ...)

We are staying the course, we said, for the transmission of knowledge, because it is an integral part of the vision of the Haitian Astronomical Society.

Link cited:

Haitian Astronomical Society (SHA):

Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO):



Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD):

International Astronomical Union (UAI):



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